Learn to tie Flies
NH Fish and Game’s Learn to Fish program presents a free class on how to tie flies.
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Let’s Go Fishing program is holding free, beginner’s fly tying classes.
You can find out more information at: https://nh-events-web.s3licensing.com/ Event/EventDetails/6157
The Online Auction is Live!
Our biennial fundraising online auction is available. Check out the awesome items donated by our even more awesome partners.
Our online fundraising auction is now live! Head on over and bid on a variety of angling and non-angling treasures!
You can also grab tickets to the April 6th banquet with the button below. See you there.
New GUVTU Swag
Share your pride in GUVTU!
Our chapter has partnered with Strong Rabbit Designs, a Vermont-based design service to provide chapter logo items for sale to members. This service is on-demand, so the chapter doesn’t have to manage an inventory of items and it allows you to order what you want, when you want.
You can check out all the offerings at the GUVTU Store or use the QR code below.
Mascoma River Needs Your Help
The Macoma River Local Advisory Committee is seeking members to help protect the natural and cultural resources of the Mascoma.
In 2011, The State of New Hampshire designated the Mascoma River as a protected river under the New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Program (RMPP).
The Mascoma River was designated because of the broad range of natural and cultural resources it provides along its length from Canaan Center to West Lebanon.
Designated rivers have Local Advisory Committees (LACs) to give local communities a voice in the protection and management of the river that flows through their city and towns. These LACs play a key role in the RMPP.
This committee ideally comprises three individuals from each of the three municipalities along the designated section of the river: Canaan, Enfield, and Lebanon. The Mascoma LAC is currently seeking volunteers to fills these positions.
You can learn more about the Mascoma LAC on their website.
Interested? If you live in one of these communities and are willing to volunteer, or have any questions, please get in touch with Sydney Gendreau, NH DES Watershed Planning Assistant, at (603) 271-1522 or Sydney.E.Gendreau@des.nh.gov.
By Ken Gallager at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=48356313
Egg Time!
Trout in the Classroom schools get their eggs!
It’s egg time for Trout in the Classroom schools across Vermont and New Hampshire.
The Greater Upper Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited partners with the White River Partnership to support the Trout in the Classroom program in 20 schools within the chapter’s region.
GUVTU volunteers recently helped deliver eggs to local schools as part of TU's Trout in the Classroom program. The kids get very excited when the eggs arrive!
Trout Eggs being delivered to classrooms across the region.
Trout Unlimited’s Trout in the Classroom (TIC) program is an environmental education initiative that engages students in raising trout from eggs to juvenile fish. Students learn about aquatic ecosystems, water quality, and conservation as they care for trout in classroom tanks. The program fosters hands-on learning, connecting lessons in biology, ecology, and environmental science to real-world applications. Through partnerships with schools and local TU chapters, TIC instills a sense of stewardship and awareness of freshwater habitats. At the program’s conclusion, students release their trout into approved local waterways, actively contributing to conservation efforts and the health of local ecosystems.
Trout Eggs, White River Partnership
GUVTU 2025 Grant Application
The Greater Upper Valley of Trout Unlimited (GUVTU) seeks proposals to support cold water conservation and education projects.
The Greater Upper Valley of Trout Unlimited (GUVTU) seeks proposals to support cold water conservation and education projects that address the needs of native and wild trout following Trout Unlimited’s protect, reconnect, restore, and sustain conservation model. Projects focused on the Greater Upper Valley of Trout Unlimited chapter area and that impact brook trout are preferred. Projects will be evaluated based on their conservation and education impact in our greater upper valley region. Applications may request funding up to $2,500 for projects beginning, or ongoing, in 2025. Funds may be used to augment existing projects or jumpstart new initiatives. Projects that have the potential to incorporate GUVTU volunteers also are preferred. A short application (below) describing the project, its projected impact, budget, and timeline is due February 15th, 2025. Applications will be reviewed and decisions released by March 15th, 2025. Funds must utilized by March 30th, 2026 and a brief progress report is due upon completion.
A PDF of this application form should be submitted via email to: GUVTUPRES@GMAIL.COM with the subject line: GUVTU GRANT APPLICATION. For any questions, please email us at GUVTUPRES@GMAIL.COM.
GUVTU Grants in Action
GUVTU’s grant partially funded the bridges on the Hanover Conservancy property.
On Saturday, 10/19/24, a group of hikers enjoyed a beautiful tour through this woodland property owned and protected by the Hanover Conservancy. We were lead by Executive Director, Adair Mulligan. She imparted her thorough knowledge of the history, flora, and fluvial knowledge of the property.
She was particularly excited to show us these three trail bridges that helped limit siltation down stream. These bridges were funded in part by a grant from the Greater Upper Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
Pictured here with Adair (in orange) are the TU lifetime members (and GUVTU Chapter Members), Kirsten, Caleb, and Anika Eastman, as well as former TU researcher, and Hanover Conservancy board member, Amy Haak. (Soon to join GUVTU as a member!)
The [trout] season is changing
Make sure you're up-to-date on the fishing regs as you head out.
Over the past decade or so, fishing regulations have evolved. The “closed season” for trout is no longer as ironclad as it used to be, though there are regulations that need to be paid attention to as we move into the latter portion of the year. Some waters are closed. Some remain open. Some, well, I can’t really tell sometimes.
Regardless, a game warden may not be all that sympathetic when you claim ignorance. Here are a few links to the Vermont and New Hampshire regulations so you can brush up on your understanding of them and any special rules that may apply to your favorite haunt.
They also have a handy Online Tool
White River Cleanup
Hundreds of volunteer hours have improved habitat on the White River. 50+ tires and countless objects removed.
TU has worked closely with the White River Partnership, and over the years, we have taken cleanup responsibility for much of the lower White River, specifically from the West Hartford bridge upstream to Sharon, Vt.
Several times each summer, we gather many volunteers and have fun working to keep this wonderful river beautiful. This summer, we removed over one hundred tires and countless other objects, including wheelbarrows, folding chairs, and various industrial thing-a-ma-bobs.
Many thanks to the volunteers who dedicated their weekends to restoring this incredible habitat. Also, a special thanks to Key Chevrolet for helping dispose of all those tires!
Watch next spring for your opportunity to join GUVTU in this effort!

NH F&G “Reconsiders” Changes to Regs
NH F&G "reconsiders" Fly Fishing Only" and trout season rules changes due to public feedback.
New Hampshire Fish and Game recently proposed a variety of changes to fishing regulations, most notably modifications to the Fly Fishing Only sections. Thanks to all the anglers who provided feedback to NH F&G, they’ve backed off. For now.
“I want to thank all those who attended our public sessions and who commented on the proposal,” said Dianne Timmins, Chief of the Inland Fisheries Division at NH Fish and Game. “It is important that we get feedback from constituents and consider the information from and preferences of the public in something this substantial.”
Fish and Game Revisiting Inland Fisheries Rules Updates after Public Input—NH F&G Press Release
Join the GUVTU Board
Take your volunteer efforts to the next level.
We have 2 open GUVTU board seats! We are really hoping to diversify our GUVTU leadership team this coming year. One area we really would like to see expand is involvement from women in our chapter. We currently have two women on our board but one is rotating off. There are a lot of opportunities in our local and regional community for helping women get more involved in cold water conservation/education. We are really hoping we can get some new voices/experiences on the board this coming year.
The board meets 5-6 times a year, every other month (June/Sept/Nov/Jan/March). Typically it is the last Thursday in those months. We meet over dinner at the Norwich Inn. Meetings last approximately 2 hours. Each board member has a role or 2 they play. We have specific standing committees which include: (1) Conservation Committee (2) Education Committee (3) Activities Committee. Executive positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership chairs. There are some emails that go back and forth with chapter updates/projects etc. but the emails are pretty minimal (unless you’re the president, ha!).
Our 2025 season - which will kick off with a board meeting in June 2024 that assigns roles to board members - is a fund raising banquet year - a banquet committee will be formed to spearhead that exciting project.
If you might at all be interested please reach out to Robb Cramer GUVTU President guvtupres@gmail.com
Fly Fishing Film Tour
F3T is back ! Always a killer time!
The foremost festival of fly fishing films is back!
F3T is a one-of-a-kind experience that’s sure to get you fired up for the season ahead. Each year fishy folk of all ages gather to soak up gorgeous short films from around the world, spin a few yarns amongst friends, and dream about casts yet unmade.
In addition to showcasing world-class filmmaking and the wonders of the natural environment, F3T is dedicated to supporting the local fly shops and conservation groups that form the backbone of the sport’s educational and environmental efforts.
This year, Lebanon Opera House will donate $1 per ticket sold to the Greater Upper Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited and $1 per ticket sold to the NH and VT Chapters of Native Fish Coalition.